As you could see from my previous posts, I learned about a lot of those routes from books, e.g. Big Basin, Clayton, Mt. Diablo, Calaveras Rd....... Hicks Road is one of the few left that I always wanted to try but didn't get a chance to for some reason, until this labor day (I rode Big Basin with my buddy on the 2012 Labor Day weekend) Maybe it's kinda down south and hard to gauge the time needed to finish the ride because of the climb. Also, I had no idea where to park in Los Gatos (It seems like there are plenty available in the residential area on the streets near Los Gatos Blvd.) The 2 Cat-5 and Cat-4 sections (Shannon and Kennedy, respectively) in and out of Los Gatos were actually quite good for warmup/cooloff. Of course, the biggest "attraction" was from the bottom of Hicks Rd to the summit (before getting up Mt. Umunhum. The Mt. Umunhum climb was one of the hardest in the area and was NOT part of my route) And both sides of Hicks Rd from the summit is kinda symmetric: one steep 1.5 mile stretch on each side so you could pick your own "poison" To me it's a pretty good challenge since I got too familiar with the routes in the peninsula already. The steep downhill is long enough to "re-train" my descending skill without scaring me too much. The shortened version could easily become a 2.5 hour routine weekend ride with my SJ friends.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Wunderlich County Park
I got a request to blog about this hike we did on Sunday. I think it satisfied the 4 criteria I mentioned before: (1) shades (2) elevation change ~950ft (3) ~5
miles, i.e., 2.5 hr (4) good scenery.
The parking lot (right off Woodside Rd) is kinda small and luckily we got the last 2 spots. However, people could still easily park close by, outside on Woodside Rd. Compared to Rancho San Antonio, this trail seems much less crowded even though the parking lot was full. And people ride horses on the trails (no bike though) so hikers need to beware of horse manure. It could get a bit dusty too. Still, it's a pretty good trail for those who likes to hike with less people around.
The parking lot (right off Woodside Rd) is kinda small and luckily we got the last 2 spots. However, people could still easily park close by, outside on Woodside Rd. Compared to Rancho San Antonio, this trail seems much less crowded even though the parking lot was full. And people ride horses on the trails (no bike though) so hikers need to beware of horse manure. It could get a bit dusty too. Still, it's a pretty good trail for those who likes to hike with less people around.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
去年前介紹過一家單車旅行社的泰國柬埔寨遊路線,日前讀一本戶外活動雜誌又介紹了另一家專搞全世界各地辛苦探險團的公司:Tour d'Afrique,不少路線要露營度宿!我對其中中國(上海至香港段)及北美(Banff至Helena段)都頗有興趣。
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Off the bike and hike
I suppose most cyclists enjoy the nature and don't mind to hike once in a while. Hiking uses a different muscle group than cycling and it would be good to train those too.
Our go-to trail was the Dish near Stanford. As it's under maintenance for the past month, we tried some alternatives too. Rancho San Antonio has become our new favorite. The Wildcat loop takes us about 2 hours and that's ideal.
And we are also looking into venturing outside the Palo Alto-Los Altos area. The criteria includes: (1) must have some shades (2) must have some elevation change, e.g. Rancho San Antonio has ~800 ft (3) ~2-6 miles, i.e., 1-3 hr. (4) good scenery. We have already been to Big Sur, which is beautiful (and tough!) I think we should try these in the future:
[SF] Mount Sutro, 1.8 miles
[San Bruno] Junipero Serra County Park, 2.1 miles
[Oakland] Redwood Regional Park, 3.7 miles, 700 ft elev. chg.
[Palo Alto] Monte Bello, 6.5 miles, 1000 ft elev. chg.
[Cupertino] Stevens Creek County Park, 6.1 miles, 1100 ft elev. chg.
Angel Island, 5 miles
Bay Area Hiker is a very informational website with all trails ranked by difficulty.
Our go-to trail was the Dish near Stanford. As it's under maintenance for the past month, we tried some alternatives too. Rancho San Antonio has become our new favorite. The Wildcat loop takes us about 2 hours and that's ideal.
And we are also looking into venturing outside the Palo Alto-Los Altos area. The criteria includes: (1) must have some shades (2) must have some elevation change, e.g. Rancho San Antonio has ~800 ft (3) ~2-6 miles, i.e., 1-3 hr. (4) good scenery. We have already been to Big Sur, which is beautiful (and tough!) I think we should try these in the future:
[SF] Mount Sutro, 1.8 miles
[San Bruno] Junipero Serra County Park, 2.1 miles
[Oakland] Redwood Regional Park, 3.7 miles, 700 ft elev. chg.
[Palo Alto] Monte Bello, 6.5 miles, 1000 ft elev. chg.
[Cupertino] Stevens Creek County Park, 6.1 miles, 1100 ft elev. chg.
Angel Island, 5 miles
Bay Area Hiker is a very informational website with all trails ranked by difficulty.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
「加」是指加州,不是加拿大。加拿大作為全球第二大國,要辦橫跨全國如環法環意的比賽實在不易,其實環加也是名不符實,一星期的賽事只是由北至南(或由南至北),中文傳媒硬加一個「環」字。這項賽事歷史雖遠不如環法環意等悠久,但不經不覺也已經舉辦了十年!本地聖荷西市是唯一一個十屆都有一站的城市,可見大會對矽谷社區的重視!電視轉播比賽沿途吶喊助威的觀眾,我也是一份子,算是對車壇的一點支持。當然,這些賽道不只可以觀看,更加可以親自踩踩,比賽期間播放California Dreams Big系列廣告也強調這一點:其他體育界知名場地,如非頂尖或職業運動員,相信試玩的機會不大;但公路單車就不同了,職業車手所踩的路線,你我皆可踩!雖然要完全跟隨也不易,除非有人接載,因為通常起點和終點不同。看了一週的賽事,啟發我在週末也要踩踩比賽路線,這次踩的包括了去年和今年部份路段:去年賽事由San Jose Mt. Hamilton Rd (130)上山,今年賽事路段則是在山腳(註:今年方向相反由Livermore那邊上山往SJ)轉入Quimby Rd,再上一小段至Summit 2200ft(有一Buckeye Ranch),然後在短短4英里急降2000尺,真是看也腳軟!接著踩San Felipe Rd入Evergreen區,越踩越少人煙,在Metcalf Rd(今年Stage 3終點)的Motorcycle park回頭,全程~50英里
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Road biking route suggestions
The previous post was for mountain biking. Now I'd like to mention a few good ones for road biking:
- Stanford cycling team's favorite routes listed a lot of the steep climb that I've done, like the famous Old La Honda, King's Mountain, Montebello and hidden gems like Moody, Joaquin, Golden Oak and Westridge.
- The Egan Ride is a group ride that starts at the Egan Middle School in Los Altos. Their page listed many local routes from 15-30 miles with GPS/map. Very useful.
- Monta Vista Velo's page listed quite a few looooong rides (>50 miles) which includes Big Basin, Jefferson, Portola. All familiar names!
- Some routes in South San Jose Santa Teresa area.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Bay Area mountain biking
I came across this website when looking for trails. It's quite well-organized: by region, by technical difficulty, etc. Single track trails are really not my type but I do enjoy riding double tracks/fire roads/gravel trails. I'm looking forward to riding some, like this one at the El Corte de Madera Creek (the easy option) or this one in San Jose.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Sunset to San Bruno Mountain State Park
灣區單車路線我對半島及南灣那些比較熟悉,至於由三藩市出發的,金門公園北上金門橋,或者東往Ferry building, 也踩過幾次;記得以前刨單車路線指南介紹過聖般奴山州立公園,summit可遠望北灣景色,今天決定由金門公園南下試踩,路線其實不複雜:由Ocean beach海傍Great Highway到Lake Merced這一段以前也用摺車踩過多次,入35公路倒是第一次,這段35和半島那段一樣車多且快,不過路肩很闊,倒也覺安全,至Westridge Ave, 轉右即U-turn便等同安全轉左,然後右轉Mayfair,左轉Westmoor, 基本上是一條路穿越Daly City, 這一段相當繁忙,尤其是橫跨280那幾個街口,真要打起十二分精神!直至望見山腳即開始上山,這一段不太斜卻頗長,踩一會園口就在左面,閘口指示牌教轉右行Summit road,一條路一英里多一點可上到1236尺的頂峰,雖然不如Old La Honda般長及斜,也算頗有挑戰性。
落山倒更覺驚險,皆因今天風極大,路又多potholes, 可說一步一驚心,真是印證上山容易下山難!回程時發現經過的高球場是鼎鼎大名的Olympic club!早幾年US Open才在那裡舉行過,上鋼琴課開車經過多次竟也從未發現過,做司機就是如此。
特別鳴謝以下網站提供之參考路線:7x7, RideWithGPS
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